Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Guantanamo Curse

Alright, recently a few weeks back me and my family were celebrating my grandparent's 50th year Wedding Anniversary!! (WOW!! I wonder will I be able to celebrate my 50th in future) Alright back to the story, so while walking around with my huge and bulky camera snapping pictures, my coolest uncle walk in the restaurant, and what I meant by cool as in he's super cool.

He is one of the rarest uncles that collects toy/action figures that is displayed all over his room, I'm assuming that he has at least 500 toys of all genre of games, music, cartoon and fiction characters. His room is every teenager would dream to have with dim yellow light and poster all around even to the ceiling. This uncle of mine is also a member of a band and not just any normal band but a metal band.(band name Oracle) he doesn't wear cloths like adults should were but a attire of baggy shirt and pant and cap.

Alright enough intro of my uncle, hahaha, so he walked in and I saw he was wearing a prison shirt, which is the Alcatraz Prison. This prison is actually meant for psycho people. I instantly fell in love with the shirt and he said he was going Bangkok the following weekend and would get one for me.

Yesterday, he told me the good new and I went to collect my shirt. It was not the Alcatraz, but an even better prison!! the most badass hardcore prison in the United States! It the Guantanamo Bay Prison, where suspected terrorist and hardcore serial killers are kept. He was so good make the shirt as a gift for me as I was bout to pay him back.

I was so excited with the shirt that I wore in today to Gurney Plaza, I some how knew that our locals here don't really know about Guantanamo Bay, but knowing the foreigners do was a blast, each time i walk pass a foreigner their eyes would go wide open in shock instantly stick to me, HAHAHAHA! I think in their mind that I manage to escape or what! well that wasn't the best part of the shirt.

It came in when we started walking into outlets, the 1st shop I went was Switch, as soon I step foot into the shop, the alarm started screaming like mad. I was shock myself too as I just step foot in, so I taught the alarm was crazy or something. Hence the next shop started to make this shirt like sorta curse, As I walked into Nike, just passing the sensors there goes once again! the Alarm going off with just me passing it, until my buddies was like "Ben your seriously a prisoner"!! HAHAHA!!

It did again with another outlet which I've forgotten its name, due to much excitement of the day laughing about me being a prison. Well, what was weird that, if the alarm were to be faulty, it should have been sounding continuously before I reach, or the shop keeper would have turn it off until it was fixed right? and furthermore, when I was inside the shop and the alarm stopped it didn't set of at all when other customers enter the shop, even when the alarm when of the shop keeper was also shock and started looking at me but it was clear I was innocent and just walking into the shop and not running out. All in all, the shirt has did made memory to me and I love this shirt man!!!

The Front view of the shirt.
The Back view of the shirt.
Description of the Prison.
The description on the sleeves. 
The serial number on the side pocket.

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