Monday, January 24, 2011


Wat's up people!!! how are ya all coming into the new year? has everything been good?? as for me all is well, but yesterday dam had a sprained ankle from one of my paintball training!!! and now can say i'm just immobilize! lol!!

The best part was this, after having my ankle sprained at the training, i could still drove all the way home had my bath and went of to gurney for a nice movie till late evening, and only to find the sprained ankle to be seriously pain wen i got home! hahahahaaha!!!

Well, this is something we must really experience went we are playing sports. Anyhow chinese new year is just around the corner!! so wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!! and the best part is ANG PAU!!!!!!! whooo hoooooo hooooeiiiiiiii!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

2011 is finally here and I cant imagine how fast a year have passed, nevertheless a new year to start over again.

It is time, to start over a new life, be a better person, I have to say to learn from all the mistakes I've done in the pass. I would also like to wish all my readers and followers a very Happy New Year, may the new year bring much joy and memorable events to come in life!!!