Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For You

Behind every dark cloud in life there is always a silver lining to make your day

In every sadness and misery there is always hope and strength that keeps on burning

In every darkness there a like that shines to guide the way

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Haunting!

Its 3.33am and i'm right here writing this post!! and to top it of i need to be at youth park later at 7.30am! yet i'm still not on my bed with Zzzz coming out of my mouth!

The reason is the feeling which i cant even describe it! and i keep thinking of quitting KDU and to go back to Han Chiang to do my degree instead! but the down part is the fees i paid to KDU was already 7K.

I dunno is it me or what is just that KDU doesn't has the atmosphere that makes me excited to go to college to study, its not a perfect study environment for me, but yet i'm scared of the cert, if i go back to han chiang will it be an easy route for me to further my masters degree in future?

This is a freaking huge confusion for me!! what should i do? i do not know, but something tells me i should follow my this feeling and go back to han chiang, because i had this same feeling during my diploma in han chiang, i choose broadcasting to major at first, but being in that class for just a week i was having this disturb feeling, because i had my mind on PR as well, as soon i change over to PR, everything was once again peaceful!! so should i follow this choice right now??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Secret Valentine Cover

HI yall!!! hahaha! well this is my first time doing covers and posting up on youtube! I've always wanted to do it but just couldn't find a singer, because i'm just a typical bassist who cant sing!! lol so nick a new buddy from KDU who sings and plays so we decided to collaborate and came out with this cover of Secret Valentine.

Hope you guys enjoy the video, comments and critics are all welcome and maybe some suggestions on what covers we should do!! well stay on there will be more coming up!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Silk Printing

Well its been a while since I've updated my blog so i'm back here with few post on my silk printing which I have recently done this year and pass years as well!! so do have a look at it!! actually i'm doing it for sale. its RM 25 per shirt on any number of designs on it! mostly custom designs. If you want me to provide the t-shirt the charges will be the price of the shirt plus the RM25.