Friday, April 15, 2011

Paintball Frenzy

HCC Paintball Club Logo

Hola!! como ya se!! I wonder how long has it been since I last drop a new post up here. Well I'm back once again, and this time is about paintball!!

Recently I just got myself into a paintball team which is trains for tournament and competitions under the division 4 category, in another words the beginner category, I'm extremly high with my new found sport as I have always wanted and dream to join a team rather playing paintball just for fun and once in a blue moon!

Got myself my very first suit as and a mask which I got it for free from my coach! hahahaha! how lucky! Save RM 350 for a new mask. Well with this hype feeling for paintball, me and my buddies it time to start one in my college as well and just 3 weeks back Han Chiang College now has its very own paintball club!!! Well thats all I have to say for now! Hope that more members come in to join and enjoy the game of paintball!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Wat's up people!!! how are ya all coming into the new year? has everything been good?? as for me all is well, but yesterday dam had a sprained ankle from one of my paintball training!!! and now can say i'm just immobilize! lol!!

The best part was this, after having my ankle sprained at the training, i could still drove all the way home had my bath and went of to gurney for a nice movie till late evening, and only to find the sprained ankle to be seriously pain wen i got home! hahahahaaha!!!

Well, this is something we must really experience went we are playing sports. Anyhow chinese new year is just around the corner!! so wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!! and the best part is ANG PAU!!!!!!! whooo hoooooo hooooeiiiiiiii!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

2011 is finally here and I cant imagine how fast a year have passed, nevertheless a new year to start over again.

It is time, to start over a new life, be a better person, I have to say to learn from all the mistakes I've done in the pass. I would also like to wish all my readers and followers a very Happy New Year, may the new year bring much joy and memorable events to come in life!!!