Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Queensbay Mall Model Search "Vogue For Virtue"

Howdy everybody! here I have for everybody is an upcoming big event by Queensbay Mall, which is the Model Search with a solid theme of "Vogue For Virtue" which bears a meaning of beauty is not just on the looks but also to be beautiful is brains and heart.

This model search is open to all male and female age 16 to 30 years of age. To register all you need to do is get the form from Queensbay infomation counter or me and submit your form with a full body 4R picture and a fee of RM80 to the Infomation Counter in Queensbay Mall.

Alright, your RM80 will be put in good use as RM10 will be given out to charity and you will also receive a goodie bag of Shiseido products(its NOT the sample product but the actual size), there will also be catwalk and make up workshops for all participant, shopping vouchers, T-shirts and also a photo shoot session!

For this particular event it is not organized blindly but with a strong objective to actually help the needy and youth of Malaysia, so the 3 main objectives are:-

1) Raise funds for the support of the following (100% of funds raised will be equally shared between):
a. Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Seri Cahaya
b. Children Protection Center

2) Develop models with brains and a heart among the youth, with Celebrities leading the way as Role Models;

3) To aid shoppers by providing Discount Vouchers (up to 90% off) to help create savvy shoppers that will spend wisely.

Adding on there will be some celebrities coming to the event, some who will be there are:-
- Elaine Daly
- Deborah Henry
- Serena C
- Jojo Struys
- Roshan
-Henry Golding

There will also be live band performance by:-
- Juwita Suwito
- Estrella
- Hui Se Di Dai
- A Honest Mistake

Prizes are also great at hand:

Best Female & Male Model
- RM 1000 Cash
- Prizes worth RM 1800
- 1-year contract with modeling agency & QBM

Best Runway Model & Best Cover Model
-RM 500 Cash
- Prizes worth RM 1300
- 1-year contract with modeling agency & QBM

Finalist X 14
-Prizes worth RM 400

Mr & Miss Hair Icon
-Prizes worth RM 500

So come and join and make yourself a model for virtue to help the people who are in need.

The Event Highlight are:

4 & 5 Apr 09 - Registration

11 Apr 09 - Workshop (morning)

11 Apr 09 - Photo Profiling 1 (afternoon)

12 Apr 09 - Photo Profiling 2 (morning)

12 Apr 09 - Auditions (evening)

18 Apr 09 - Semi-Finals

25 Apr 09 - Charity Fashion Show

26 Apr 09 - Grand Finals

So hope to see all of you there for the event! and to have a great time in this coming april!


Life In Greek said...

if someone goin to be 16 on december this year, is that person qualify to join??

Big.Bear said...

yupe! shud be able too! i dun think they would actually be so precise on the age because its for charity