Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fooled by the Clock

"Time and Tide waits for No Man" a very famous saying, that time is always precious and its our lost for not making full used of it. Well but have any one of you ever let time fooled you?? Well that is what happened to me the night before.  The story goes as I woke up at 9.30pm by my paintball captain asking me to join the team for a drink. Well it all went smoothly till I reached home at 12 midnight.

I was still widely awake, since I took a nice and long afternoon nap, with the cool and chilling weather which has been cooling the island of Penang for the pass few days. So I decided to start on christmas presents for my young little cousin or as I would call them the little cute monsters. hahahaha! So while I was starting on the present, I took a glance at my room's clock and it showed the time at 1.30am. Which I told myself at 2am I would go to bed since i had class at 8am.

Hence, being the natural me, I was so into designing the presents, as I was needed to paint designs on bag packs for my cousin, I got so into it and didn't look a the clock till i finished my work. After finishing I realise that I spend quite a long time into the designing which i turn to look at the clock and to my shock it still showed 1.30am. My clock literary fooled my by not working. So checking my laptop, it was already 5.45am.

Since its was just few hours to class I decided not to sleep then, and head out for my morning breakfast and am not in class typing in this blog post! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Well the class is naturally boring and thank God for net access!!! Whoo HOOO!!  

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