Wednesday, January 15, 2014

An Ink To Remember

Its Finally 2014, Checking on my last blog post, It was 3 years back! I'm shock to even find out that the blog page is still here. *Lucky Me*?

Anyways, Why am I back here you may asked? I just felt like typing actually. Basically it comes down to mainly my tattoo. Yea that's right I got myself inked! I've been asked why of all things I chose this particular image to be permanently drawn or planted into my skin for eternity?

I got myself inked on 24th September 2013, and the artwork that was placed on my right arm was a cross. Now for the reason why would I put a cross on my arm.

Reason No.1

The man of the house, a strong role model who struggled through thick and thin to make sure he would put enough food for all of us in the family of 6, was my awesome Lolok which meant grandfather in Philippine as I'm quarterly blood. My lolok left us to be with God in July 2013. It was indeed a great lost to us. Which comes back to my tattoo which reminds me of my great lolok that at times we bear pain and suffering not because we want too but is because we LOVE and CARE for our loved ones specially our FAMILY.

Lolok was indeed a great man, A man which i truly look up to as a role model on how he prioritise his duties as a Husband, Father and a Grandfather. Lolok you will always be missed and LOVED!!!

Reason No. 2

This reason may sound stupid to some of you but its because of a cherished relationship which I've lost which I really didn't expected it would end in such of a way. However, I have come to realise that what changes we make for someone it will never turn out to be the way we expected.

I took a hard time to change in weight lost, lifestyle, and practically almost everything I could in my power to be a better person. However, after battling for almost a year and half, nothing pretty much did change. Which then i came to realise that it was hard going through this change in life but somehow I manage to do it. To be honest I come to love this change in me, I've became who I wasn't before and I should really thank "her" for the first motivation to go through is 180 degree change in life. I feel better and I feel fresh, which put me to decide I should not stop just because I've lost the relationship but to keep on continue this path in life.

I do still love her but I too must carry forward which I glad that I'm coping quite well in the process on a smooth move on.

Two main reasons that put me into getting this ink on my arms as I'm a catholic and Christ carried is Cross for us to was our sins in that torturous moment to mount calvary and to die on the cross just so he could free us from the devil. Of course I wouldn't compare what I went through was equivalent to what Christ did for us but it was amy very own moment to mount calvary on coping with this change to save the relationship and for the lost of my beloved Lolok. It was a tough journey for me and this cross on my arm is a symbol that I would remember that I have come this far in life and should never to give up but to pick up what ever obstacles in life and take it to the next level!!